I have not written as many blog updates as I would like as I am poughing through the finishing touches of my book.
Yes, a book.
It’s about economics and how complacent most Australians are when it comes to judging the financial risks to them from the economy and economic policy settings, but it also covers how little attention most Australians pay to their own finances, especially the management of their superannuation money.
The first proper draft will be at the publishers next week – phew – and it is likely to hit the e-readers and stands in late April / early May 2015.
In the interim, happy new year – I hope it is a good one for everyone (well, nearly everyone) and if this time next year, GDP growth is at 3.25%, the unemployment rate is at 5.5% and falling, wages growth is at 3.5%, with inflation is at 2.5%, Australia will have had a good year. Anything less and it will be disappointing.