The annual Breakfast with the Economist series is just a few weeks away.

It’s in Auckland on Tuesday 30 August; Sydney on Wednesday 31 August and then Melbourne on Friday 2 September. It’s free (other than your time) to attend. 

To register, click on this link: 

Standard & Poors Chief Economist, Paul Sheard will open each breakfast with a view on global conditions. Like previous years, he’ll give terrific insights into things like negative interest rates, QE and why growth and inflation are so low.

In Auckland, the panel members will be Michael Gordon, Sharon Zollner, Nick Tuffley and Chris Green.

In Sydney there will be Bill Evans, Su-Lin Ong, Shane Oliver and Jo Masters.

Melbourne will have Bill Evans, Alan Oster, Alan Kohler and Callam Pickering.

I will be moderating all of the discussions. So for the best economics event of the year, register now and turn up, rain, hail or shine.