The winner of Quiz 1 and a copy of my book, Myth Busting Economics is….
It boiled down to the second tiebreaker question, the price of Fortescue Metals Group Group at close of business on 1 May 2015, and @SpaceKidette all but nailed in, forecasting a price of $2.38 against a result of $2.37!
A close second was a Year 12 Economics student while @Braggonimcs was third, just a few extra cents away.
All is not lost.
Quiz 2 will start soon so get in early to win a copy of Myth Busting Economics.
The Results of Quiz 1
Question 1: What is the current level (as of today, 27 April 2015) of the official cash rate set by the Reserve Bank of Australia?
The cash rate is 2.25 per cent Source
Tiebreaker 1:
In what month and year did Australia last have an unemployment rate of 6.3%? (seasonally adjusted ABS data)
January 2015.
Source:$File/62020_mar%202015.pdf Table 2, seasonally adjusted.
Tiebreaker 2: What will be the share price of Fortescue Metals Group (FMG) at 4pm Friday 1 May? (ASX data will be used)
Fortescue Metals closed at $2.37. Source
Tiebreaker 3 (not needed but for the record) What will be the level of the Dow Jones industrial average in points at the close of business on Thursday, 30 April 2015 US time? (Bloomberg data will be used)
The Dow Jones Industrial average closed on 30 April 2015 was 17,840.52 points. Source